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Buyers guide to Emerald panna gemstone

Emeraldis highly precious,green coloured gemstonebelonging to Beryl mineral family. In Vedic astrology, it is considered as one of the most important gemstones that empowers planet Budh.Green Emeraldis calledPanna in Hindiand Markat Mani in Sanskrit. It is considered an importantgemstonefor knowledge based businesses, intellectual pursuits and creative jobs.Emeraldis primarily a cyclosilicate. Lord Shiva is considered as the one who rulesthis gemstone.

Emerald gemstone meaning

Pannahas also been mentioned in Rig Veda. On Mohs scale, its hardness is 7.58. Historically speaking,Emerald pannasourced first from Egypt in 330 BC.Thiswas made available for the first time in India in 10000 BC. It was also the time when Rid Veda was written. Our Vedic manuscripts describePannain the shape of Cabochon. It is extensively used inastrologyand recommended to people to increase their cosmic rays around Budh. Wearingemerald pannacan bring many benefits to wearer and help them achieve prosperity, wealth and health.

Here is what you must know aboutEmerald stone astrology-

  • Planet:Mercury
  • Vedic Rashi:Mithun and Kanya
  • Western Sign:Cancer
  • Suitable Ascendants:Taurus, Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius

Source of gemstone

Columbian Emerald/Panna and Zambian Emeraldis said to be the best one from Vedic astrology point of view.Emerald pannais nevertheless also mined from other places, which are-














Columbian Emerald

Colombia is considered as the largest producer ofemerald gemsin the world. In fact,Columbian Emeraldconstitute about 50-95% of total production in the world. The main mining resources ofColumbian pannaare Chivor, Muzo and Coscuez. In Columbia, one can also find arare emerald gemstone varietycalled "trapiche" emeralds. These are distinguished by spokes that appear in the form of rays. These rays are because of presence of dark impurities.

Zambian Emerald

Second largest producer is Zambia. Major source ofZambian Emeraldis Kafubu River, whereemeraldsare found in abundance in area deposits called Kagem Mines. In just 6 months of 2011, Kagem Mines were credited for producing as much as 3.74 tons ofemerald panna gems. Apart from this,Zambian Emeraldis also sourced from other regions in Zambia.

How to wear Panna stone?

Carat Weight

The weight should be at least 1/2of the body weight. For example, if you are 60 kgs, you can wear emerald panna ratna of 5 carat.


Bright green colour emerald is must to seek maximum astrological benefits. Alternatively, you can also wear natural untreated panna emerald in certain lighter colours after recommendation from your vedic pundit.



In certain cases, platinum, panchdhaatu, silver and white gold may also be used.


Little finger or Ring finger of your working hand (karma hand)

Day & Time


Emerald panna mantra

'Om Budhaya Namah, | (108 Times)

Who should wear Emerald?

Pannarepresents Budh or Mercury planet. It is recommended byastrologerto do away with the negative influences of Budh in your horoscope. As perastrology,emeraldis recommended to kanya (Virgo) and mithun (Gemini) rashi.Columbian Emeraldgives best astrological benefits. To receive instantEmerald gemstone effects, one must wearColumbian variety. On the contrary,Zambian emeraldis also quite popular, but it has a bluish colour, which reduces its astrological importance and benefits.Itappears blue because of presence of more iron content.


All over the world,emerald jewelleryis quite popular. It is considered as a fashionable and very urban jewel stone andstone ringsare extremely popular online. But, in the eastern countries; especially in India, it is theastrologythat drives its sale.Emerald benefitscannot be neglected. Here are some of theastrological benefits-

Also calledBudh ratna,pannais ideal for creative, intellectual and financial ventures

It helps in increasing memory skills and reasoning abilities

Emerald benefitswearers by refining their communication and oration skills

Excellent for those who have low confidence or are suffering from speech issues

Panna helpsthose who are in fields of mass communication, media or PR

As rashi ratna,can be great for treating nervous disorders and allergies

Also known as stone of successful love,stone benefitswearer by relaxing his/her mind and calming skin as well

Identifying pure emerald

A lot of you must be willing tobuy emerald panna onlinefrom certain websites or your trusted resources. The first thing that you must do is checkimages. There are certain quality factors that you must consider before youbuy online. You must consider all these factors to avoidside effects.

Color-Green to colourless
Mohs scale hardness-7.5-8
Crystal habit-Massive to well crystalline
Appearance-Small bright green gemstone or larger cloudy crystal

Qualities of original emerald

Untreated emeraldgems must stand true to certain characteristics or features. Let us tell you in details about thesefeatures-

What color is best?-Manyastrologersbelieve that among many special qualities,panna colouris the most important and distinguished one. For over a millennium, brightgreen colouris considered the best. It however requires good training for a layman to understandoriginal colour.Emerald colourdepends upon its colour saturation and consistency.Coloursthat most of the people want to buy include pure green, bluish green, vivid color saturation and highly transparent.Natural emeralds from Columbiaare high in demand also expensive. In fact, astrologically,bestis that ofColumbian Emerald. When you checkonline, you will also see otherpanna varietiesand colours, such as yellowish or too bluish. These are notreal stones, but other beryl variety. Intensity of green in emeralddefines its cost as well. It is the traces of iron, vanadium and chromium that impart green colour.Zambianhas a more bluish tinge.

Clarity-Three-phase inclusions mark quality ofpanna. These are liquid films, gaseous bubbles and solid crystals. The ones from Chivor mines of Columbia have needle-like growth tubes, albite and pyrite. These inclusions depictColumbia emerald.Zambian varietycontains specks of black dots. Highlyrareis bright green in colour.

Uniqueness (Trapiche Emerald)-Most unique andrare variety of pannais calledTrapiche emeraldand it is found in Brazil and Columbia. Also calledstar emeralds,theyare extremely unique because of the presence of impurities that appear in star-like six pointed radical fashion. These are therefore the most brilliant andunique varietiesand also very expensive.Traphice emeraldsare today also synthesized in laboratories and treated with epoxy resins and oil.

Emerald stone price

Despite being extremely expensive and also rare, brightgreen emeraldis high in demand because of its effects and astrological significance. Panna price may begin from 800and go to the higher range of 2 lakh. Yet, theprice in Indiais largely dependent upon certain factors, which are explained below-

Origin- Columbian emerald priceis on the higher side with cost ranging from 3,200 to 2 Lakh per carat.Zambian pannacan go from 2,700 and 1.5 Lakh per carat.

Color- Bright green gemstoneis definitely higher in markets.Ringis quite popular among the buyers and these can be expensive. The bluish tint, which is usually found inZambian emerald,is a little lower, while the brightgreen Columbian stone costshigher.

Clarity-Type III clarity indicator is important for checking thequalityin market. If there are no visible inclusions as mentioned above, the price decreases considerably.Panna costincreases with visible quality signs. Because of better quality,Zambian price per caratis definitely more.

Carat Weight-Of course, the heaviness of a stone determines its cost as well.Stone pricedepends largely on per carat weight.

Treatment-Oiling and epoxy resin treatments are acceptable inemeraldmarket. While it is very difficult and rare to findoriginal untreated panna, you can acceptringor other jewellery items with slight treatments.

Emerald gemstone onlineis easily available and one can search for the bestpriceat some of the top rated sites.