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Know your Hessonite gemstone

Hessoniteis called Calcium Aluminium Silicate.Hessonite gemstone in Hindiis called Gomed, which is also known so in the language ofastrology.This is among the crucial gemstones which appears honey coloured. In Hindu scriptures,Gomedhas much significance because it depicts one of the most important planets, Rahu.Hessonitehas derived its name from a Greek word Heson, meaning inferior. Rahu is the malefic planet and inastrology, this gemstone is prescribed to those where the planet remains malefic. On the scale of hardness, Hessonite has a rating of 7-7.5.

Hessonite gemstoneis said to capture Rahus energy and transfer it to the one wears it. This is said to add extra strength to the wearer and thus also strengthen the horoscope.Hessonite Gomedis among the most importantgemstonesbecause of the planet it affects. Rahu mahadasha is said to last for a long period of about 15 years and to pacify its effects,itis prescribed byastrologers. Because of a stronger influence in ones life,Gomedmust only be worn until prescribed. Prolonged usage can cause adverse effects as well.

Astrologyis a wide branch of science that studies the movement of celestial objects and depicts how it can create an effect on the life of individuals. Even though this isnt a fool proof methodology, yet there are ways to partially forecast the occurrence of events and prescribe ways to avoid them. Gemstoneis one of the many prescribed ways depicted in astrology.

Hessonite gemstone sources

Gomedoriginates from metamorphic rocks and sometimes, it can also be found in sand or gem gravels. The countries where hessonite can be found include Russia, France, Thailand, Austria, India, Sri Lanka and certain locations of Brazil and Siberia.Hessoniteis also found in the U.S., particularly in regions like Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, Connecticut, and California.

Best gomedcomes from Ceylon because according to the Vedic astrology, it has much more significance than anything else.Natural certifiedHessonite gomed Ceylon stoneis therefore the best one.

Considerations before youbuy hessonite

SinceGomeddepicts such an important Hindu planet, therefore before youbuy hessoniteit is crucial that you understand what all things you must consider. Yourastrologerwill tell you about what points you must consider when you go tobuy gemstone. Keep these points in mind because the planet you are thinking of pacifying is a crucial one. Here is what you must take care of-

Colour-Gomedis honey coloured. It can also appear like the colour of cow urine. When you go tobuy hessonitegomed stone, you must give due importance to the colour of thisgemstone. Buying the right colour is important to derive the exact results. Improper colour or gemstone that isnt pure and real can cause negative effects as well.Original gemstonecan protect you from negative energies and evil vibes.

Weight-It is the weight of a gemstone that determines it price. Even though this isnt something that testifies the quality of a gemstone, but you must buy the weight prescribed by yourastrologerto fetch the best results.

Appearance-When youbuy Hessonite, it is crucial to consider that the gemstone isnt broken tarnished or appears impure to the eyes. Appearance plays a vital role when a layman goes tobuy gomed. Uniformity in the gemstone is another important factor that must be kept into mind.

Astrological benefits

\Gomed stone benefitswearer by nullifying the evil effects around an individual

\ Helps a wearer calm down his/her mind and provides relief from anxiety, depression, anger and mental problems

\Helps in enhancing concentration and gives you focus

\ Allows you to have clear direction and vision

\ Specially effective for people in research field

\ Provides professional success and helps in enhancing social or financial status

\gomed stonehas a positive effect on the health of wearer

\ Cures certain ailments, such as heart palpitations, epilepsy, allergies, haemorrhoids and sinus and eye infections

\ Helps in bringing relief in fatal diseases like cancer

\ Provides relief in diseases like fatigue, leprosy, varicose veins, clumsiness, boils, intestinal issues, and blood pressure

\ People whowearHessonite Gomed stoneget closer to five vital elements of life- dhyana, artha, dharma, moksha and kama

\Wearer gets happiness and peace in marital life

\ This is an excellent Vedic gemstone prescribed to those who are pursuing career in public speaking, computer jobs, government jobs, politics, science and law

How to wearHessonite?

Itis a powerfulgemstonebecause it is governed by a much more powerful planet inVedic science, Rahu. Rahu mahadasha can toss an individuals life upside down and therefore, hessonite is suggested byastrologerfor a certain period or sub period of that time.This gemstonecan bring about magical results to the wearer. But, it must be worn only as prescribed and after purification and mantra chanting.Gomedis usually worn on middle finger on Saturday. It is also not necessary towearas a ring. One can also wear it in the form of a talisman which must touch thymus. One must ask theastrologerabout the proper mantra that must be chanted before wearing this gemstone.Vedic mantra for wearingHessonite gemstoneis Om rahuayae namah.

Hessonite gemstone price

Since time immemorial,gomedhas remained a popular and very important gemstone inastrologyscience. Its popularity has added to its price over the years. Having high astrological value,this stonecan be a little on the expensive side, but not as expensive as diamond or ruby. When you wish tobuyHessonite, it is vital to purchase it from authentic sources lest you be deprived and stashed of your hard eared money.OriginalHessonitewith higher weight can cost higher.Buy pure gomedonly from authentic online portals or a trusted jewellery shop. It is important that you tell your jeweller that you are purchasing the gemstone for astrological reasons so that he/she doesnt give you anything other than what has been prescribed to you by yourastrologer.